NPR RADIO COMMENTARY on backpack bombs in London (+US) fm Jan '03 (audio)
HOWARD DEAN in Manchester, NH Town Meeting - Radio Report - Question on Debt 2:22- Dec 22, 03
rel. article: DUNNING DEAN- DID the DOCTOR GET GORED - mediachannel
10th Anniversary of Moscow Oct '93 Revolt - (AUDIO) exc. - ARTICLE VIOLENT COMMUNIST ATTACK that ALMOST DEPOSED YELTSIN -500 killed
in 2 days of battles at WHITE HOUSE and OSTANKINO
TV CENTER - 7:30 min
Debate with Congrsmn. Patrick Kennedy D-RI (audio) about validity of IRAQ Invasion (he voted to authorize force)- 11 of 15
minutes 3/30/03 Prov. Journal article on it (bottom) + Andrea Mitchell speech
ATTENTION: If you get connection time-out error
reset it on Realplayer at view/preferences/connection/network
time out; set them to maximum: 300; This
will give your player more flexibility; If
takes long time to load (server delay) do
something else + wait or try low use period
like very late night
RI NIGHTCLUB FIRE (article+photos)- Nat. Interview REPORT (aud) 2/24/03 3:32min KIRO-710am Report (aud)- Seattle 2/21 8:30am 4min KIRO TALK SHOW - w Dave Ross-2/21 12 min -
4th Worst US Fire in history shatters smallest
state- with interviews with survivors at
dawn Friday
MISTAKES (Audio) - WHJJ-AM Providence- 34 min- - Arlene Violet - only guest- 1 hour; Jan 9, 2001; Violet is former RI Attorney General, ex-nun, + ex-Nader's Raider REALPLAYER fm Realproducer 8.5 (56kbps) - about article "WHOOPS", HOW the NETWORKS GOT IT WRONG - MediaChannel
INTERVIEW of WALTER CRONKITE (audio) - realplayer- On TV Election Mistakes
- (coming)
(RealOne basic- 8
meg) (wait for download box)
TV TALK SHOW on RUSSIA (Audio) - 13th State, WSBE -Ch 36 RM file, Providence RI VIDEO (real)- 2:25
Only Guest - 30 min- RealPlayer streaming G2 File- 1994
TELEVISION RESUME TAPE Menu - Iowa Caucus Presidential Primary (My Questions-
Hart,Glenn,Cranston,Ferraro; + Mondale,Reagan)
+ Wash DC; Memorial Day WW2/Vietnam Commentary-
Minneapolis, KIFI-TV8 Reports- Jackson Hole
WY, Yellowstone, + ID.; Reports fm Russia:
Red Sq., St. Petersburg, Kiev - VIDEO (real) - HIGH RES (580mb), 41 min;
SU,RUSSIA,UKR TV REPORTS '91-92 4 min Mp4 RUSSIA Report Audio
RUSSIAN MAFIA + CHECHEN WAR (audio)-KUOW-FM Seattle- NPR- Weekday Talk Show - Dec 94 - 20 min REALPLAYER re article CRIME STORY
TALK SHOW (aud) w liberal nat. host Meria Heller (updates) on Iraq, Bush, Terrorism, 2000 Elections
+ threats to the republic - APRIL 10, 03-
BARRY FARBER SHOW (audio) Jan 6, 04 - re: Howard Dean + the World, IRAQ War, My Exploits in Russia -38 min
guest- 1 hour
BARRY FARBER SHOW (audio) Dec 4, 03 - On the Future of IRAQ re: STOPPING the NEXT BOSNIA 40 min- Talk Radio Network- 35 stations (very conservative); FARBER is a 55 year talk show legend;
Brown U. Conference on Kurds (audio) 4:03 min- Oct 1
OCTOBER REVOLT - Oct 3-4, 1993 - Live Taped Commentary during Communist
Revolt that almost Overthrew Yeltsin - 200-500
died; Speaker of Parliament
+ Vice President urged violent attack on
Mayors Skyscraper + Ostankino TV Studios-
Moscow, Russia- TOTAL- 33 min
article 24 Hours in an October Revolt 5 min Talkshow fm Guardian offices-Sept 22
Tape of Violent Crowd at White House (Parliament)
when I was seized by crowd 9-11pm
Support March- Manezh Sq. to Theatralnia
Sq- Midnight
on Ostankino TV Hdqtr- 3000 Protestors with
machine guns, RPG against 25-50 Yeltsin
troops, later APC's
+ Taking of White House by Yeltsin troops
with Tanks in front of crowd of hundreds
RADIO SOUTH AFRICA (Audio) (Johannesburg,SA) - 1-3 minute Reports for several weeks fm
Moscow after Oct. Revolt
(RealPlayer G2 Audio
File) PLUS total both 29 minutes
KING-AM Seattle - Radio Talk Shows from Russia with Jim Althoff - March- Aug '93
YELTSIN COMMENTARY (realaudio) - March '93- (for Open Radio-AM, Moscow) After vicious political attacks,
special referendum on Yeltsin's rule and
Yeltsin's mother's death- first vote on reform-
2:10 min- Moscow... The most moving period
in Russia- Nobody knew if Yeltsin's reign
was through, but he won resoundingly by 3:1
PRESS CONFERENCES - Inter. Press Center- Radison Hotel Moscow -
My Questions- James Baker (real) on Iraq retaliation after Saddam's plot
to kill Bush I, Mikhail Gorbachev, Yegor Gaidar, Gennady Burbulis, Anatoly Chubais
WASHINGTON DC - 2022-23 new
Mike Interviewed on TV ASIA (Indian News Service) on Ukraine Invasion, in front of the WHITE HOUSE March 6, '22 @ 3:05 min, 77 mb MP4 Video file, use WiFi
THE MODI QUESTION - March 7, 2023, Imran Dawood, Yusuf Dawood, Dr. Aakashi Bhatt, daughter of Sanjiv Bhatt, incarcerated police officer, Ashish Khetan
After the BBC aired a two-part documentary entitled "India: The Modi Question" on Jan. 17, the Indian government used its emergency powers to ban it from being aired in the country. Modi's government also forced Twitter and YouTube to block the documentary in India. The BBC documentary examines Modi's role in the 2002 Gujarat riots when he was chief minister of the western Indian state. During the riots, 1000s of predominantly Muslim Indians were killed, many were raped, and Muslim establishments were set on fire. The Indian Supreme Court exonerated Modi in 2012 of wrongdoing, but the British Foreign Office produced an unpublished report claiming Modi was "directly responsible" for enabling the impunity of violence
MIKE's QUESTION on Whether the US Must Deal with Leader of 1.3 bil Country Anyway- YOUTUBE
SARAH WEDDINGTON (realaudio) Winner of Roe vs. Wade case discusses Supreme Court cases and changes, historic struggle on abortion; Former Tx Congresswoman- Brown U., Salomon Hall 4:15 min- WINMEDIA March 14,2006 BIO
CONG. CHARLIE RANGEL (audio)- 35 yr. Harlem Congressman, founder Cong. Black Caucus; Question on Republican tone deafness re. Katrina, Libby, tax cuts, and cuts for the poor- Brown U., Salomon Hall- Oct 24, 2005
Daily Kos's Markos Moulitsas Interview- (realaudio) 7 min (winmedia) ARTICLE
Proprietor of most popular liberal blog slams
Chafee, estimates Dems chances -May 2006
JPL's Torrence Johnson on TiTAN landing (realaudio)
DENNIS ROSS (aud)- Ambassador + Mideast Negotiator - 1:36 min
April 29, 03 Brown U. - about difference
between US Camp David proposal + Arafat claims;
whether Abu Mazen will be endangered by plan
to confiscate arms
GEORGE RYAN (aud)+ Larry Marshall -
Repub IL Gov. who commuted death penalty for 156 inmates on death row in Jan 4:46
question- April
Lecture +
GARY HART (full audio) 5:10 min Mar 18,03- Senator, Pres. candidate and Chairman of Nat. Security Commission - Brown U lecture on US security on eve
of Iraq War
RAYMOND COHEN- (aud- threat of Shiite control in Iraq
3:14) Israeli terrorism expert 4-23-03- Palestinian Peace prospects (3:36), Brown U., Watson Institute, Rabin Assasination,
JANET RENO (aud) :55 - Clinton Attorney General speaks on risks
of unlimited detention without appeal- Brown
U lecture- Question on authorizing Starr
to investigate Monica 3-31
STEPHEN FLYNN (aud) RADIO NEWS REPORT - author + director of HART-RUDMAN Report on America's continued huge vulnerability
to terrorism -4:52, Watson Institute, Brown U. 2/10/2003 Council on Foreign Relations Sn. Fellow -
Oct 2002 Task Force inc. Gary Hart, Warren Rudman, William Webster,
Warren Christopher, George Shultz, 2 Joint Chiefs; Flynn's Senate Testimony on containers
ROBERT McNAMARA (aud)- Brown U symposium on Cuban Missile Crisis- Watson Institute 10/23/2002- Recent stunning revelation
was that Soviets had 162 nuclear bombs (some on missiles!) in Cuba during the whole dustup- we came
a hair from the death of tens of millions-
2:15 minutes
ROBERT REICH (aud) - Clinton Labor Sec.- Brown U. Conference
A Time of Great Consequence - 1:14 min 4/3/03
Mike McCURRY Realplayer (AUDIO)- 2:40 min - Clinton Press secretary- April '99 -RI Business Convention
LETTER from MCCURRY about resignation -Aug 98 (met him in Moscow
in '94)
KATHRYN FULLER- (aud) President- World Wildlife Fund- 4/2/03 - On development of electric cars
1:57 min
ANDREA MITCHELL(aud)- (NBC correspondent) - Lecture Brown U. 3/30 question on whether media has started telling
us what to think about Iraq War 2:54 min
COLIN POWELL- April '00 -RI Business Convention, Providence (lost)
- Nov 8, 2001
TOM WOLFE (aud)- Brown Univ. Lecture - April 14, 02- INFO On the Cities, Temples of Museums, Power
Lunches, and Ken Kesey- poor audio
COKIE ROBERTS (aud)- Brown Univ. Lecture - April 11, 2002 on Media reluctance to
question Bush's legitimacy and competence-
poor quality audio --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NPR RADIO Commentary - Funny Critique of obnoxious ubiquitous musical
Mitsubishi TV ads
COMMENTARY2 - Backpack Bombs in London Coming Attractions re. Iraq Jan 31,03
YELTSIN COMMENTARY (realaudio) - March '93- (for Open Radio-AM, Moscow) Special referendum on Yeltsin's rule-
2:10 min- Moscow
VINDICTIVE COMMENTARY (MP3) - Dec 5, 2016- Trump's Love of Dictators, Violence, and Revenge is a Threat to Democracy
TALK of the WORLD from KIEV (at 33min) on prospects
of Middle East peace under Obama (TOTN)
w Sharansky +
Hanan Ashrawi- Nov 7,08
Operating in a war zone re Jill Caroll (aud) - NPR Talk of the Nation @9:28min LIVING IN THE DANGER ZONE - Feb 6, 2006
Prof. TIM SNYDER- (mp3) - Comment on Russian Propaganda's Effect against Ukraine and US Right Wing's Media Echo Machine;
June 7, 2018 w Robert Siegel,
@22.20- 3.41 min Snyder's Book: THE ROAD TO UNFREEDOM -
Link to SHOW
Daniel PEARL's MURDER, Threats (AUDIO) to Reporters + my Kidnapping and
Ambush in Russia- NPR's ON POINT - Feb 22,02
XI - TRUMP MEETING (mp3)- Apr 5, 2017 The great danger is that, AFTER the meeting, when Xi realizes what an abject ignorant
fool Trump is, what incredibly provocative act he will pull in the S. China Sea to test him. Chinese value wisdom, moderation, caution,
strength, resoluteness; and despise recklessness, stupidity, foolishness, bluster.
OP SHOW - 6:20 min @40:30
RUSSIAN HACKING + SYRIAN DEPREDATIONS (mp3)- Putin will keep pushing until someone pushes back. Middle East is a
Red Line for Russia/SU.
OP SHOW- THE US + RUSSIA AT ODDS - Oct 11, 2016 (before Election)- 5:10 min
FREE SOLO-(mp3) Alex Honnolds Insane Ropeless Climb of El Capitan. My experiences on Devils Tower with a free climber
OP SHOW- FREE SOLO - Oct 9, 2018 3:15 min with Meghna
Wonders of Wired Magazine (audio) NPR
On Point July 21 Visually
stunning, visionary magazine INFO on SHOW
Move Realplayer slider to 44:40-47:20 2:24 min
DOWNING ST. MEMO noncoverage; PUTIN's problems in criticizing US - Arlene Violet WHJJ - May 10, 2005; 4 min
Stalin's death 50th anniversary (audio) NPR Connection Mar 5 Greatest
monster in history
Move slider to 20:26-25:00 INFO
Overthrowing the Iranian mullahs (audio) NPR
Talk of the Nation-Jan 22, 03 Move
slider to 21:45-24:40 INFO
New Hope for Iran- article (scroll right)
Bush Tax Cuts (audio)- Arlene Violet Show 2-28-01 -predicts
hundreds of billions of $ deficits- and now
he wants more
State of Science Fiction- actual events imitating it (audio) NPR
On Point May 20. 2005 2min re: Mission to Titan
Russian attack on Chechen Moscow theater
terrorists (Audio) - NPR Talk of the Nation- Oct 28,02 Move
time slider to 25:30-28:37 INFO on SHOW
Season of Plagues
Criminality and Legitimacy of Russian Oligarchs (AUDIO)- NPR's On Point - May 3 INFO Move
time slider to 22:12 -32:20: minutes
Russian Government takes Control of TV
NPR TALK of the NATION (aud)- Comments on Promiscuous Airline Security
- 11/21/01 3:10pm INFO Move
time slider to 10:10 - 12:23 minutes
OLYMPICS and Excess Triumphalism (aud)- NPR Connection - Jan 31st 2002 2nd hr INFO Move
Dialog w Matt Brzezinski re Phillipines - Washington Post Live- Jan 2, 02 - re. his article on '95 warning of Muslim terrorist flight training from
Ramzi Yousef's 11 aircraft
bombing Phillipines' plot
half way down
WE/MUI Magazine (Hearst/Izvestia- Russian in Moscow + English
in Washington) boy/girl Radio Ad- written and recorded by me (from Open Radio-AM, Moscow)- poorly produced (too loud bad music)
INTERVIEW of soon to be Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk in the
old burned Maidan Trade Center 2 weeks into the 3 month
protests by BBC TV and Michael Hammerschlag
WE HAVE THE VOTES TO DEPOSE YANU- "Communists are on-board!"
GOVERNMENT - Scoop Kiev: According to Arseniy Yatseniuk, Opposition forces
arrayed against President Victor Yanukovich may be poised for another
attempt to remove his Prime Minister, and Government in... - Dec 18, 2013