written, edited, narrated
and largely photographed by Michael Hammerschlag
(Panasonic VHS counter)
AVALANCHES (4 :40 Dec 85-Jan 86)-causes + effects of avalanches in Jackson Hole; record snowfall in Nov leads to ski patrolman’s death and car being swept off Teton Pass, inc. exciting footage of firing artillery at slopes and resultant avalanches
5:05 NAT. ELK REFUGE (1:57 Feb 86)--profile of largest winter herd in N.
(446) America; sleigh ride through herd
7:12 IOWA CAUCUS REPORT (7:03 Feb 84)- -first ‘primary’ in Democratic
(600) Presidential race; footage of all major candidates and Reagan
14:15 Standups (Feb-April 84)-Des Moines, Mayflower Hotel + White
(1103) House Washington D.C.
17:14 PRESS CONFERENCES- my questions (Feb 84- May 85) Hart, Glenn,
(1290) Cranston, Hart, Ferraro- Des Moines, Washington, Minneapolis
(Caucus report contains bouncy camerawork fm poor cameraman, no tripod + 2 days without sleep)
23:49 KIFI(1681) Studio Aircheck (June 86)
25:30 ANNIVERSARIES COMMENTARY (3:08 total,2:14 text May 85)- -commentary
(1776) on Memorial Day comparing and contrasting
virtually simultaneous 10 year anniversary of Vietnam war’s end and 40 year
anniversary of end of World War II (in Europe) Mpls.
28:37 LIE DETECTORS I (1:52 May 86)--dispute over lie detector use in emp-
(1947) loyment + preemployment; fears of inaccuracies
32:13 TETON PARK FEE INCREASE (1:50 Mar 86)--controversy over proposed (2132) quadrupling of nat. park entrance fees
30:29 WINTER CELEBRATION (1:43 Mar 86)--skiing, snowball, and dog sled
(2041) events during weekend
34:10 FLIPPING GOOD WEATHER (:58 Mar 86)--unusually warm weather and its
(2234) effects on the locals
>>>from RUSSIA
35:08 MOSCOW Standup (:50) Nov 1991 (SU) Red Square w St. Basil’s Church
35:58 ST. PETERSBURG Standup (1:22) Feb ’92 (Russia) Dvortsovaya Sq. w Hermitage/Winter Palace
37:20 KIEV Standup (1:09 Feb ’92) Ukraine, Pechersky Monastery
4th generation from field tapes.