written, edited, narrated

and largely photographed by                                                                                         Michael Hammerschlag




            (Panasonic VHS counter)


AVALANCHES         (4 :40 Dec 85-Jan 86)-causes + effects of avalanches in Jack­son Hole; record snowfall in Nov leads to ski patrolman’s death and car being swept off Teton Pass, inc. exciting footage of firing artillery at slopes and resultant avalanches


5:05  NAT. ELK REFUGE (1:57 Feb 86)--profile of largest winter herd in N.

              (446)                 America; sleigh ride through herd


7:12  IOWA CAUCUS REPORT (7:03 Feb 84)- -first ‘primary’ in Democratic

          (600) Presidential race; footage of all major candidates and Reagan


    14:15  Standups (Feb-April 84)-Des Moines, Mayflower Hotel + White

                             (1103) House Washington D.C.

         17:14   PRESS CONFERENCES- my questions (Feb 84- May 85) Hart, Glenn,

             (1290) Cranston, Hart, Ferraro- Des Moines, Washington, Minneapolis

(Caucus report contains bouncy camerawork fm poor cameraman, no tripod + 2 days without sleep)


23:49   KIFI(1681) Studio Aircheck (June 86)


25:30   ANNIVERSARIES COMMENTARY (3:08 total,2:14 text May 85)- -commentary

            (1776)     on Memorial Day comparing and contrasting virtually simul­taneous 10 year anniversary of Vietnam war’s end and 40 year anniversary of end of World War II (in Europe) Mpls.


28:37  LIE DETECTORS I (1:52 May 86)--dispute over lie detector use in emp­-

         (1947) loyment + preemployment; fears of inaccuracies


32:13  TETON PARK FEE INCREASE (1:50 Mar 86)--controversy over proposed (2132) quadrupling of nat. park entrance fees


30:29  WINTER CELEBRATION (1:43 Mar 86)--skiing, snowball, and dog sled

         (2041)     events during weekend


34:10  FLIPPING GOOD WEATHER (:58 Mar 86)--unusually warm weather and its

            (2234)                 effects on the locals


                                       >>>from  RUSSIA

35:08  MOSCOW  Standup (:50) Nov 1991 (SU) Red Square w St. Basil’s Church


35:58  ST. PETERSBURG Standup (1:22) Feb ’92 (Russia) Dvortsovaya Sq. w Hermitage/Winter Palace


37:20  KIEV Standup  (1:09 Feb ’92) Ukraine, Pechersky Monastery


4th generation from field tapes.